About Us
WV Against the Beverage Tax is a coalition of organizations and individuals originally formed to stop increases in the state’s nonalcoholic beverage tax. Today, we are advocating in support of the legislator’s actions to repeal the beverage tax on behalf of West Virginia small businesses, employees and working families.
Last month, the Senate, Governor Justice and the House Finance Committee championed the repeal of the beverage tax– putting money back into the pockets of West Virginia residents. We did it!
Eliminating the beverage tax offers much-needed relief to the West Virginians who have struggled the most during the economic downturn of the pandemic coupled by rising costs brought on by inflation and supply chain issues. It also helps small businesses and boosts our private sector’s competitiveness – while putting money back into West Virginia’s economy.
We’re making our voices heard.
Check out our coalition swag as seen at local events!