Last month, Governor Justice signed Senate Bill 533, putting an end to the unfair excise tax on hundreds of non-alcoholic beverages in our state.
Thank you to the West Virginia House, Senate, Governor Justice and YOU for standing up for hardworking families and small businesses in West Virginia! Our coalition is grateful to see this important beverage tax repeal signed into law!
This Repeal Will…

Help working families.
The beverage tax fell most heavily on West Virginians. Eliminating this tax will lift a burden on those who are already coping with rising costs brought on by inflation and supply chain issues

Strengthen small businesses.
Hundreds of non-alcoholic beverages such as sports drinks, iced teas, sodas, most juice drinks, energy drinks and even powdered lemonade fell under the beverage tax. The repeal of SB 533 will reduce costs and strengthen our local restaurants, grocery stores and corner markets, allowing them to re-invest the money into their businesses and their workers.

Support the WV economy.
The SB 533 repeal will remove another reason to shop out of state. With 75% of the state’s population living close to the border, this tax was just another reason for many of our residents to drive out of state for lower-priced beverages. When residents shop out of state for better prices on things like their beverages, they often buy all their groceries out of state. The elimination of this tax supports local businesses and boosts the state’s competitiveness.

Fund Medical Schools.
Despite the repeal of the tax, West Virginia University Medical School will continue to receive its funding previously received from the beverage tax – just from a new and more stable revenue source. SB 533 also created new funding for Marshall’s Medical School and the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine.
News and Updates

We’ve fought hard to keep everyday drinks affordable for West Virginians and help small businesses stay afloat.

See how a beverage tax has impacted West Virginia working families, small businesses and employees.